The registration is open until November, 10th.
SUMMA2019 Call for papers Important dates Accomodation Contacts
How to Submit

Call for papers

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Scope of the Conference

The 1st International Conference on Control Systems, Mathematical Modeling, Automation and Energy Efficiency SUMMA2019 is devoted to very special events. This year departments of our faculty (Faculty of Automation and Computer Science) celebrate anniversaries: the Department of Electric Drive is 45, the Department of Informatics is 40, the Department of Applied Mathematics is 25 and the Department of Electrical Equipment is 25. We will be happy to share our latest scientific and applied progress with our dear guests during the Conference.

The Conference SUMMA2019 is a scientific event dedicated to the anniversary of departments of the Faculty of Automation and Computer Science. We hope, that the Conference will become a traditional place to discuss special issues of Control Systems and Mathematical Modeling, Automation and using advanced knowledge in the Power Industry to solve scientific and practical production problems.

SUMMA2019 Topics

Scientific program includes topics of interest that consist of, but are not limited to:

Important Dates

Submission of papers and reviewing process

The working language of the conference is English. Prospective participants are requested to electronically submit full papers of their work (limitation is 6 pages) following the instructions available on the website via EasyChair system. The final manuscript must be accompanied by a registration form and a full registration fee payment proof.

Papers are limited to six (6) pages of A4 format. Draft version of papers should be submitted for review before the submission deadline (see important dates).

It is strongly recommended to use the set of templates in MS Word and LaTeX formats provided by IEEE . Please use them to create your paper (please do not modify the style or the format).

Please make sure that only original work is being submitted (not previously published/copyrighted). Each paper will be blindly reviewed by three reviewers.

Accepted papers must be presented at the conference. To download MS Word and LaTex templates click here.
(Conference Template in Word, Conference Template in LaTeX)

Accepted papers will be submitted to IEEE Xplore online digital library (published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and indexed by SCOPUS scientometric database.

Conference Fee

The fee includes the publication of one paper, attending to sessions, program and coffee breaks. Registration fee does not include the visa support, travel expenses, accommodation and meals. Accommodations and all additional services are to be paid by the participants.

For non-IEEE members 75 EUR
For IEEE members 50 EUR
For IEEE IES and IAS members 45 EUR

Participants from Russia can pay fee in rubles. In this case:

For non-IEEE members 5000 RUB
For IEEE members 3500 RUB
For IEEE IES and IAS members 3300 RUB